Realizez machiaje deosebite pentru diverse ocazii (nunti evenimente sedinte foto etc.) cu produse profesionale de lux artistry si eddie funkhouser new york la domiciliul clientului la preturi foarte avantajoase
Prestari Servicii / Oferte
MACHIJ OCAZII Machiaj de mireasa si nasa 100 Ron (include deplasarea la domiciliul clientei in ziua nuntii pe raza orasului Bucuresti pentru extra se impune asigurarea transportului dus intors) machiaj seara 50 70Ron IRINA 0766211352
Prestari Servicii / Oferte
New Smile Nous vous offrons des services de medicine dentaire pour toute la famille chirurgie dento alveolaire estetique dentaire endodontie..etc...pour plus d informations clickez sur .... http medicina dentara1.e
Sanatate / Oferte
Centrul de pregAtire profesionalA alexander s cursuri intensive de calificare coafor frizer manichiurist pedichiurist tehnician cosmetician make up tehnician maseur reflexoterapie drenaj limfatic
Prestari Servicii / Oferte
Cautam colaboratori in toate judetele persoane fizice dar si juridice pentru prezentare si desfacere produse parfumerie curatenie casa si make up comision 40 80 si coordonare retea proprie 3 21 din rulajul echipei Firma FM GROUP se extinde in toa
Afaceri / Oferte
Va invitam la o zi de rasfat la Swiss Beauty Salon.Va stam la dispozitie cu servicii la preturi promotionale coafor frizerie cosmetica manichiura pedichiura masaj make up. Programarile 0212221072
Diverse / Oferte
Recrutez colaboratori pentru un job flexibil fara program fix fara obligatii indiferent de studii pregatire locatie Comision minim 40 din vanzarile directe si 3 21 bonus de la inscrisii tai.Produse parfumerie curatenie casa make up Detalii si in
Locuri de Munca / Oferte
MAGICNAILS organizeaza cursuri unghii tehnice si distribuie produse pentru unghii tehnice. Alte servicii cosmetica manichiura si pedichiura spa parafina extensii gene make up semipermanent 0729948277
Prestari Servicii / Oferte
Societate comerciala avand ca obiect de activitate distributia de vanzare directa a produselor de parfumerie curatenie casa si make up cauta colaboratori cu program part time in toata tara.Comision 40 din vanzarea directa 3 21 din rulajul echipei p
Locuri de Munca / Oferte
Activitate part time cu profit 40 din vanzarea oricarui produs de parfumerie de curatenia casei sau make up plus intre 3 21 din rulajul echipei tale daca devii coordonator de retea .Nu ai obligatia comenzilor lunare si nu ai target de vanzari .
Afaceri / Oferte
Activitate part time cu profit 40 din vanzarea oricarui produs de parfumerie de curatenia casei sau make up plus intre 3 21 din rulajul echipei tale daca devii coordonator de retea .Nu ai obligatia comenzilor lunare si nu ai target de vanzari .
Afaceri / Oferte
If you can speak basic english and can make a solo (or light lesbian) fetish scene for us we are looking for you. All girls 18 that can do nude scene in front of the camera of fetish kind...NO SEX required nude is required. pissing etc required
Locuri de Munca / Oferte
Beauty One ofera doua game de produse pentru make up profesional. Necesitatile unui salon de infrumusetare sint diverse de aceea putem oferi doua game complet diverse.
Diverse / Oferte
Beauty One ofera doua game de produse pentru make up profesional. Necesitatile unui salon de infrumusetare sint diverse de aceea putem oferi doua game complet diverse.
Diverse / Oferte
Fii frumoasa in orice moment important al vietii tale si numai Absolventa a mai multor scolii de make up realizez machiaj profesional de mireasa(cu urmatorul pachet gratuit proba mireasa alicarea de gene false transportul la domiciliu) c
Prestari Servicii / Oferte
Academia de infrumusetare ReflexoVital organizeaza cursuri Manichiura Pedichiura Unghii Tehnice(gel acril) masaj terapeutic gimnastica de recuperare anticelulitic s relaxare reflexoterapie cosmetica machiaj (make up artist) coafor
Prestari Servicii / Oferte
* Cool sliding design with QWERTY keyboard * Quad band(GSM850 900 1800 1900MHZ) * Touch screen * The side slipping clamshell the wide screen demonstration with keyboard that will make games playing comportably. * Dual cameras * Blue
Telefoane /
* Cool sliding design with QWERTY keyboard * Quad band(GSM850 900 1800 1900MHZ) * Touch screen * The side slipping clamshell the wide screen demonstration with keyboard that will make games playing comportably. * Dual cameras * Blue
Telefoane /
* Cool sliding design with QWERTY keyboard * Quad band(GSM850 900 1800 1900MHZ) * Touch screen * The side slipping clamshell the wide screen demonstration with keyboard that will make games playing comportably. * Dual cameras * Blue
Telefoane /
A three weekend seminar Embrace Romania meant to introduce you to the Romanian culture and modern life and get you ready for the Romanian social scene in a way that will make the acculturation process smoother for you
Diverse / Oferte
* Cool sliding design with QWERTY keyboard * Quad band(GSM850 900 1800 1900MHZ) * Touch screen * The side slipping clamshell the wide screen demonstration with keyboard that will make games playing comportably. * Dual cameras * Blue
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
* Cool sliding design with QWERTY keyboard * Quad band(GSM850 900 1800 1900MHZ) * Touch screen * The side slipping clamshell the wide screen demonstration with keyboard that will make games playing comportably. * Dual cameras * Blue
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
* Cool sliding design with QWERTY keyboard * Quad band(GSM850 900 1800 1900MHZ) * Touch screen * The side slipping clamshell the wide screen demonstration with keyboard that will make games playing comportably. * Dual cameras * Blue
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
* Cool sliding design with QWERTY keyboard * Quad band(GSM850 900 1800 1900MHZ) * Touch screen * The side slipping clamshell the wide screen demonstration with keyboard that will make games playing comportably. * Dual cameras * Blue
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
* Cool sliding design with QWERTY keyboard * Quad band(GSM850 900 1800 1900MHZ) * Touch screen * The side slipping clamshell the wide screen demonstration with keyboard that will make games playing comportably. * Dual cameras * Blue
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
For Sale brand new (apple IPhone4S 64GB) (apple IPad 2 64 GB) We are Legitimate registered company under government registration and licensed Registered We have all mobile phone model for sale interested buyers should make an order on the price li
Calculatoare / Vanzari