sua webcam company cauta modele in Romania cauta fete peste 18 ani aspect fizic placut si dezinvolte pentru conversatii in engleza pe internet disponibilitate de a lucra pe calculatorul de acasa. Castiguri de top pe
Locuri de Munca / Oferte
There is on going promo in our company right now which you can also benefit from. If you buy 3 units get 1 units free If you buy 5 units get 2 units free WARRANTY We give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to our costumers our products a
Bijuterii Ceasuri / Vanzari
There is on going promo in our company right now which you can also benefit from. If you buy 3 units get 1 units free If you buy 5 units get 2 units free WARRANTY We give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to our costumers our products a
Bijuterii Ceasuri / Vanzari
There is on going promo in our company right now which you can also benefit from. If you buy 3 units get 1 units free If you buy 5 units get 2 units free WARRANTY We give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to our costumers our products a
Electronice / Cumparari
There is on going promo in our company right now which you can also benefit from. If you buy 3 units get 1 units free If you buy 5 units get 2 units free WARRANTY We give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to our costumers our products a
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
There is on going promo in our company right now which you can also benefit from. If you buy 3 units get 1 units free If you buy 5 units get 2 units free WARRANTY We give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to our costumers our products a
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
There is on going promo in our company right now which you can also benefit from. If you buy 3 units get 1 units free If you buy 5 units get 2 units free WARRANTY We give 1 year warranty for every product sold out to our costumers our products a
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
a.Does your company suffer any pending problems and your accountant didn t tell you or doesn t know You can have a report in 3 (working) days. b.Did you know the fine for an expired company headquarter is 2000 Ron
Afaceri / Oferte
a.Does your company suffer any pending problems and your accountant didn t tell you or doesn t know You can have a report in 3 (working) days. b.Did you know the fine for an expired company headquarter is 2000 Ron
Afaceri / Oferte
Daniels Company ofera tamplarie PVC Rehau Germania . Low E Argon gratis.Daniels Company produce jaluzele verticale rolete interior si rulouri exterior cu o paleta coloristica foarte larga si o multitudine de texturi. Asiguram consultanta tehnica si
Prestari Servicii / Cereri
Firma noastra de curatenie ofera servicii de curatenie profesionala iar personalul specializat foloseste detergenti sapunuri odorizante si dezinfectanti de marca SANO. Telefoane 0213117001 0213354099 0722518840
Prestari Servicii / Oferte
OCAZIE Navodari Casa cu 2 camere baie si bucatarie cu imbunatatiri de actualitate (gresie faianta usi interior) izolata exterior constructie 2006 teren 120 m.p. proprietate LIBERA Mobilata acte in regula (cadastru si intabulare) pret 29.
Imobiliare / Case vile
PRECIOUS ELECTRONICS STORE INC. company provides a Solution and Production of musical instrument e.t.c. We are always welcome any Electronics company orders from both overseas and local customers. With our experiences we highly focus on our custo
Electronice / Vanzari
Our company is well known has good and standard company that is reliable. * Your privacy is surely guaranteed * Our prices are all the best * We ensure Secured Transactions * Shipment by Monday through Saturday. * Free shipping on qualified orders *
Telefoane / Telefoane mobile
Mamaia Nord teren de vanzare suprafata 550 mp deschidere 15 m la strada amplasat la circa 100 m de plaja liber de constructii acte de proprietate cadastru intabulare intarusare pret 50 euro negociabil mp. Relatii la Tel 0722.193.307 sau 07
Imobiliare / Terenuri
Navodari casa constructie 2011 din bca amplasata in cartier vechi de case zona Fabrica de paine suprafata utila 78 mp suprafata teren 150 mp deschidere 10 m la strada asfaltata utilitati racordate apa curent electric si canalizare gaze la s
Imobiliare / Case vile
Electronice / Vanzari
Navodari apartament 2 camere confort 2 zona sud etaj 4 4 suprafata 39 mp simplu fara imbunatatiri probleme cu izolatia acte de proprietate cadastru intabulare liber pret 17.000 euro negociabil Relatii la Tel 0722.193.307 sau 0765.467.921.
Imobiliare / Apartamente 2 camere
Navodari spatiu comercial de inchiriat amplasat ultracentral vis a vis de Casa de Cultura pe partea cu statia de taxi suprafata 70 mp vitrina stradala 7 m IDEAL MAGAZIN FARMACIE SEDIU BANCA CASA AMANET etc.Nu sunati decat cu oferte s
Imobiliare / Spatii Comerciale
Navodari Casa cu living 2 dormitoare baie si bucatarie constructie noua din bca cu acoperis LINDAB realizata pe structura din beton armat (dupa cum se vede in fotografii) situata in cartierul de vile. Constructia se vinde la cheie cu gresie fai
Imobiliare / Case vile
Navodari casa de vanzare constructie 2009 din bca amplasata in cartier nou de case compartimentata astfel la parter hol de acces living generos din care se intra in 3 dormitoare baie si bucatarie clasica inchisa la mansarda are un apart
Imobiliare / Case vile
Navodari vila parter etaj este construita din bca termoizolatie 5 cm tencuiala decorativa alb aer conditionat centrala pe gaze. o terasa acoperita lipita de casa 40 mp tamplarie pvc stejar o terasa la etaj 2 balcoane un balcon la mansarda b
Imobiliare / Case vile
Casa Corbu constructie noua din BCA cu living 2 dormitoare baie si bucatarie izolata exterior interior cu teren 300 m.p. zona buna la circa 10 minute de plaja Corbu acte in regula pret 27.500 euro neg. sau schimb cu apartament situat in Na
Imobiliare / Case vile
Mamaia Nord Vila P 1 etaj constructie noua din BCA caramida situata la circa 100 150 m. fata de plaja Marii Negre cu urmatoarea dispunere parter l iving baie bucatarie birou la etaj 3 dormitoare 2 bai si balcon suprafata utila aproximativ
Imobiliare / Case vile
Mamaia Nord Depozit 10 Loturi de teren in suprafata de 523 m.p. situate intre plaja si strada care leaga Constanta de Navodari cu toate utilitatile (apa curent electric canalizare gaze) zona turistica SUPERBA ideal pentru construirea de blocur
Imobiliare / Terenuri
OCAZIE Teren pe malul lacului Razelm (Zona Lac Golovita Lac Sinoe cu acces pe apa in Delta Dunarii si Marea Neagra) suprafata de 45.000 m.p. deschidere 56 m la lac situat in apropierea unor pensiuni turistice cu utilitati cadastru intabular
Imobiliare / Terenuri
Navodari Lac Tasaul teren extravilan suprafata 12500 mp deschidere 25 m la 2 drumuri amplasat pe malul lacului Tasaul la circa 50 m de apa primul rand la lac zona salbatica ideal investitie proprietate cadastru intabulare parcela 455 1. P
Imobiliare / Terenuri
Navodari Apartament 2 camere decomandat confort 0 suprafata utila 54 m.p. cu imbunatatiri de actualitate (gresie faianta geamuri termopan usi de interior aer conditionat izolatie exterioara) etaj 1 zona CENTRU acte in regula pret 31.500 eu
Imobiliare / Apartamente 2 camere
Vindem Vila P 1 ET situata in Navodari cu priveliste superba la Marea Neagra cartierul de vile cu teren proprietate in suprafata de 200m suprafata construita de 150m si un spatiu comercial in suprafata de 20m . La parter se gaseste un living
Imobiliare / Case vile
Navodari apartament 3 camere semidecomandat confort 1 etaj 3 4 amplasat la circa 100 m de zona centrala suprafata utila 53 mp simplu fara imbunatatiri de actualitate liber acte de proprietate cadastru intabulare Pret 25.000 euro. Relatii
Imobiliare / Apartamente 3 camere
Constructii / Decoratiuni
SERVICE GSM Autorizat APPLE IPHONE in Bucuresti Sector 1 WWW.CELLGSMSERVICE.RO Contact BOGDAN 0769.897.194 0734.398.952 Reparatii Apple iPhone orice model 3G 3GS 4 2G doar cu piese originale Orice reparatie se face pe lo
Telefoane / Service
Service Gsm Reparatii iPhone 4 3GS Blackberry Nokia HTC Andrei 0786.626.939 0727.632.352 Adresa Langa Mall Vitan* Str Zizin NR11 Sector3 Keywords Reparatii Apple iPad 3G Broken iPhone 4 Repair iPod 4 TouchScreen Apple iPhone 4G Display iPad 3G Dis
Telefoane / Service