Eco membrana impermeabila cu tehnologie Nanotech. Monocomponenta Crack Bridging Ability certificata EC 2 joase emisii de substante volatile specifica pentru impermeabilizare inainte de placare cu ceramica. Reprezentant Kerakoll tel. 0734265295
Constructii / Materiale
CARACTERISTICI CPU 32 bit ARM microprocessor super decoding ability 5 volts static 36mA operating 85 mA Light source visible laser Diode 650nm Scan mode Automatic scan rate 74 times sec Cable standard2M 5 volts static 53 mA
Calculatoare / Vanzari
CARACTERISTICI CPU 32 bit ARM microprocessor super decoding ability 5 volts static 36mA operating 85 mA Scan mode Automatic scan rate 74 times sec Scan Depth of field up to 300mm (0.33mm pos0.9) 5 volts static 53 mA operating 120
Calculatoare / Vanzari
CARACTERISTICI CPU 32 bit ARM microprocessor super decoding ability Decoding rate 100 times second single scan Customer setting Barcode setting mode easy to operate Scan Depth of field up to 350mm (0.33mm pos0.9) Scan Depth of field 0 350
Calculatoare / Vanzari